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Invited presentations, CANN Talks lead off new year's event slate
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Monday, Jan. 7
Michigan State professor to discuss HTN structure, function

Dr. William F. Jackson, professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University, Set Lansing, will present the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology seminar, "Endothelial Mineralocorticoid Receptors Mediate Impaired Cerebral Parenchymal Arteriole Structure and Function in Angiotensin II Induced Hypertension," at noon on Monday, Jan. 7, in classroom 6A.
For more information, call Marilyn McCarthy at 4-1635.
Monday- Friday, Jan. 7-11
Deputy CAO to deliver UMMC's first CANN Talk

Dr. Rob Rockhold, deputy chief academic officer, will present the first Condensed Academic Networking and kNowledge Talk. "Getting CANN'd," from 4:30-4:50 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 7, in room N-5A, from 7:30-7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, in the Bebe Richardson Conference Room, and from 12:30-12:50 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 11, in room SH198.
CANN Talks are monthly professional development seminars for UMMC faculty and staff. For more information, email Julian Gilner at jgilner@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Jan. 9
Equity director to help overcome impostor syndrome

Dr. Rashanda Booker, director of institutional equity and partnerships, will present the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's InclUsive Conversation, "No Longer 'Waiting to Exhale:' Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Battle Fatigue," from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, in room CW-106 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
Friday, Jan. 11
Ohio surgeon to build better outpatient arthroplasty mousetrap

Dr. Keith R. Berend of Joint Implant Surgeons, Inc., in New Albany, Ohio, will give the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery/Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center presentation, "Outpatient Arthroplasty: A Better Mousetrap," at 7 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 11, in room CW308 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, email akraus@umc.edu.
Batson memorial service slated Friday, Jan. 11

A memorial service to celebrate the life of Dr. Blair E. Batson, the first chair of pediatrics at UMMC, is scheduled for noon-1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 11, in the student union. Batson died Nov. 26 at the age of 98.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. For more information, email lhodge@umc.edu.
Thursday, Jan. 17
OSU diversity expert to explain 'life and death' imperative

Dr. Quinn Capers of the Ohio State University College of Medicine will give the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's Distinguished Lecture Series presentation, "Diversity Enhancement in Medicine: More Than a Good Idea - A Life and Death Imperative," from noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in classroom R-153 (lower amphitheatre).
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
OSU admissions dean to offer implicit racial bias training
Dr. Quinn Capers IV, associate dean for admissions at the Ohio State University College of Medicine, will give the Office of Diversity and Inclusion exclusive training, "Implicit Racial Bias in Health Care and Medical School Admissions: A Primer and Strategies to Reduce Biases," from 1:15-3:45 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in room CW106 in the Classroom Wing.
The deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 4. For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
Award ceremony to recognize service, inclusive excellence
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion's "The Pillars: Recognition of Service and Inclusive Excellence" Awards Presentation is scheduled from 4-5 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in the student union conference center.
For more information, call Mandy Scott at 5-7857.
Thursday-Friday, Jan. 17-18
UTHSC otolaryngology chair to discuss surgery, stenosis
Dr. M. Boyd Gillespie, professor and chair of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, will present “Gland-Preserving Salivary Surgery: Are Scopes Needed?” at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, in the 5 East Conference Room (Suite H500), and "Current Techniques for Airway Stenosis" 7 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 18, in.the 5 East Conference Room (Suite H500).
For more information, call Brianne Pardo at 4-6885 or email bpardo@umc.edu.
Friday, Jan. 18
VCU chief of staff to offer personal leadership narratives

Dr. Anita Navarro, chief of staff of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, will give the UMMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science workshop, "Leadership and Careers: Examining Intersections Through Personal Narratives," from noon-1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 18, in second-floor conference rooms A-D in the student union.
For more information, email Kimberly Bibb at kbibb@umc.edu.
Friday-Wednesday, Feb. 1-6
Innovation director to present CANN Talks in February

Terrence Hibbert, director of innovation, will present the Condensed Academic Networking and kNowledge Talk, "Innovating Our Way to a Healthier Mississippi," from 12:30-12:50 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 1, in room SH198, from 4:30-4:50 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 4, in room N-5A, and from 7:30-7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 6, in the Bebe Richardson Conference Room.
CANN Talks are monthly professional development seminars for UMMC faculty and staff. For more information, email Julian Gilner at jgilner@umc.edu.
Friday, Feb. 22
UMass faculty to offer temperamental leadership enhancement

Dr. Luanne Thorndyke, professor of medicine and vice provost for faculty affairs at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, will give the UMMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science workshop, "The Power of Utilizing Temperaments to Enhance Your Leadership Capabilities," from 10 a.m.-noon on Friday, Feb. 22, in second-floor conference rooms A-D in the student union.
Friday-Wednesday, March 1-6
Info tech director to provide CANN Talk on organizational tools

Al Faulk, information technology director, will present the Condensed Academic Networking and kNowledge Talk, "Organizational Tools for U," from 12:30-12:50 p.m. on Friday, March 1, in room SH198, from 4:30-4:50 p.m. on Monday, March 4, in room N-5A, and from 7:30-7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, March 6, in the Bebe Richardson Conference Room.
CANN Talks are monthly professional development seminars for UMMC faculty and staff. For more information, email Julian Gilner at jgilner@umc.edu.
Wednesday-Monday, May 1-6
Simplifying security focus of info security exec's CANN Talk

Steve Waite, executive director of information security , will present the Condensed Academic Networking and kNowledge Talk, "Foam In, Foam Out - Simplifying Security," from 7:30-7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, in the Bebe Richardson Conference Room, from 12:30-12:50 p.m. on Friday, May 3, in room SH198, and from 4:30-4:50 p.m. on Monday, May 6, in room N-5A.
CANN Talks are monthly professional development seminars for UMMC faculty and staff. For more information, email Julian Gilner at jgilner@umc.edu.